Saturday, January 12, 2008

What a trip

I finally decided to go through my pics from Mexico. It was absolutely awesome. I mean I do love the rain and the all the green of the northwest, but it's nice to go get some sun and forget about working for days. I didn't think it would be a highlight, but not having access to my cell phone or internet was like living an alternate life. Our biggest worries were what to see and eat next.

I loved the port In LA. We were next to the coolest bridge.
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The dining on the ship was excellent, some people chose to eat hot dogs and hamburgers by the pool but for the same price we always opted to eat 5 course dinners.

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I love fresh fruit, it's amazing what you can get on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.
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We were able to see some ruins in Colima, they just discovered them less than 20 years ago and they've only dug up a small percentage of what's there
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Kelly, Matt and Kristy
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Our ship, it's kinda big
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Water taxi taking people from Yelapa (a small beach only accessible by boat) to PuertoVallarta
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Check out this construction, this house is sweet.
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The best tacos are made on the street, not the restaurants.
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I was so excited to find these huge sparklers, it was kinda anti climatic watching them burn, I was hoping for a bigger ball of flame from the unregulated homemade sparkler.
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This church was awesome
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After a day of excursions we would come back to our rooms to find our towels made into all sorts of creatures
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Matt working it for the camera

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Maybe you had to be there but I think this one is hilarious
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Kristy and Andrea waiting for there turn to go para sailing
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Matt loved his meal choice
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Christmas dinner
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All of my wife's family and Me
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Kristy's favorite on ship activity, resting
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The girls
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It was a shocker going back to Portland weather the day after it snowed
copyright joshua gene photography


kelly riding said...

Yea! I've been waiting to see if you'd post any pics of the trip. They are great! Some of them look like postcards. Good times, good times.

Anonymous said...

I love the Mex pics! what i'd do for a taco stand right now...

Mr. Billey said...

Looked like a great time. We're not far from Mexico and I've never been! Great pics by the way.