Sunday, August 19, 2007

Lauren + Eric - Married!

Lauren and Eric have been best friends for years and finally decided to make that permenant. Lauren works at a floral shop, so she was able to come up with some fabulous decorations and floral arrangements. Everything turned out perfect.

copyright joshua gene

Lauren had a vision for her dress, and the vision was materialized by Kiko, a local Seattle designer.

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

Monday, August 6, 2007

Jesse + Hannah - Engagement

I had the pleasure of meeting with Jesse and Hannah at the Seattle Center, and we had a fun time around the space needle and then we later went to Kerry Park and got some fun photos with the city.

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Cheryl + Rick

Rick & Cheryl had a beautiful wedding at the World Trade Center in Seattle. They were high school sweethearts, and after years apart, fell in love again, got back together, and decided to get married. Congratulations Rick & Cheryl! Thank you for choosing me to be your wedding photographer!

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene

copyright joshua gene
The view of the skyline from here was absolutly incredible.
copyright joshua gene
I love it when the brides to be get into the bouquet toss like they did here.
copyright joshua gene
All of Rick and Cheryl's friends and wedding guests were as fun to be around as they were.
copyright joshua gene